
Technology Diffusion in Education **

I would like to welcome everyone to my blog and look forward to using it as a valuable tool in our Technology Diffusion in Education Also, it is seen that about 10-20% of all cases however the why not check here levitra without prescription rest can give horrible thought why the agony went ahead. This …

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Tech in Education – Group Blog Post

Analysis of Tech Diffusion in an Educational setting Kris Felstead – Chris Gould – Matt Grabinsky The article chosen for analysis is called “Technology in the classroom: Increased software transforms learning arena” and focuses on how digital technology changes our learning environment. When one looks at the digital landscape it is hard to measure the …


Conditions of Change

Asyncronous Group Activity – Ely’s Conditions of Change If you haven’t had time to take a look at our asyncronous group activity on Ely’s Conditions of Change I have provided a snippet of the activity below. The concept was to role play different characters in a high school that was attempting to implement tecnology at …


Exothermic Process

Unfreeze – Change – Freeze As an early adopter of technology I face the process of change on a fairly regular cycle. When analyzing my change cycles in technology against Lewin’s change theory it sheds light on some interesting behaviors and the motivating factors for change. (Schein, E.H.,1999) The unfreeze component of the theory needs …


Technology Adoption

Technology Adoption When assessing my behaviour on the adoption of digital technology it’s evident that I’m an early adopter with occasional dips into the innovation pool. The interesting component of this is the attitude I display toward the technology and the perceived outcomes I hope to realize resulting from this behaviour. I believe I’m an …


SAMR Model

SAMR MOdel – Theory into application During this weeks class we were asked to examine one of the frameworks presented and see if we can apply the framework to out everyday dealing with technology. I chose to examine the SAMR framework against the changes I have made in the Web Design program and how students …


Technology Hurdles

Technology hurdles During this weeks class we experienced some incredibly disruptive technology issues. These issues ranged from slow population of content to the desktop to a complete crash including a loss of all functionality. Although this may sound like a disastrous formula for learning I walked away from the class feeling encouraged rather than disheartened …


Concerns Based Adoption Model

Understanding the concerns based adoption model by hall and hord. The Concerns Based Adoption Model or (CBAM) is a conceptual framework that aids in the assessment and reform of educational practices. In it’s most basic form CBAM allows individuals to evaluate change through a number of lenses that previously may not have existed. CBAM is …


Implementation Dip

 In response to the learning video created by Francois Desjardins. In it’s most rudimentary form an implementation dip is the decrease of productivity an individual experiences when adopting an new technology. The first reaction by individuals is that a new technology would be adopted because of the promise of increased performance and productivity and that …