Exothermic Process

Unfreeze – Change – Freeze

As an early adopter of technology I face the process of change on a fairly regular cycle. When analyzing my change cycles in technology against Lewin’s change theory it sheds light on some interesting behaviors and the motivating factors for change. (Schein, E.H.,1999)

The unfreeze component of the theory needs many factors to be successful. If I look at how I adopt new operating systems and “rationalize” the decision it’s clear that the framework I’m using is rooted in this theory. The need to change is paramount because of the industry I work in and the important of staying on the technological curve. Forces driving the change must be greater than the resisting forces against the change. Something as simple “sounding” as upgrading an operating system can be fought with challenges. May factors like program incompatibility, hardware driver incompatibility, and minimal support all resist the motivation for change. Other factors such as disk file systems and cross platform accessibility further the confusion around this change, to speak nothing of the extra cost involved in the change. The reward for the change will be a (hopefully) faster operating system and new technology in the operation system to enhance workflow down the road (taking into account the implementation dip).

One the motivational forces have provided the momentum for change the process can begin but not without challenges in implementation. One prospect of upgrading an operating system is the challenge of backing up all or your old data and restoring it after the fact. Then there is the layering effect of installing the OS, installing the programs you use, and updating the drivers for all of the components on your system. Once that hurdle is cleared you have to “learn” how this new technology works and leverage it to become more productive in your every day workflow.

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“If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.” – Kurt Lewin



Schein, E.H. (1999, August). Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in the Field and in the Classroom: Notes Toward a Model of Managed Learning. Reflections 1(1), 59-74

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