SAMR Model

SAMR MOdel – Theory into application

During this weeks class we were asked to examine one of the frameworks presented and see if we can apply the framework to out everyday dealing with technology. I chose to examine the SAMR framework against the changes I have made in the Web Design program and how students approach the task of creating a website.

The first place to start is to examine the SAMR framework and the levels surrounding technology implementation (measuring application of technology and use). The SAMR framework looks like this:

SAMR model

A typical proces for creating a website is to examine client needs and decide on a resolution for delivery (for output of the website). I have generalized the process but at it’s core this has been the model for many years. The challenge facing us today is to have students design for multiple devices and have the content showcase itself with continuity and purpose. This is extremely difficult as the output device is no longer a standard computer monitor. Mobile devices have change the landscape and how we visualize this content. With this change came a necessity for designers to code for multiple devices. My answer for this was to substitute the traditional process with a new process of designing for multiple devices.

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Now that the workflow had been changed students were starting to understand what it meant to truly be mobile accessible. At this point I discussed responsive design which allows the students to code once and port to many devices. This concept has really taken off because of the one set of code delivery model. The modification to the process meant that the students were not only aware of having to meet the needs of multiple mobile devices, but able to code a solution to the problem and provide a presence for any company or individual with the same look and feel (regardless of the device they were using).

This redefinition of process has turned the students into solution providers and has moved the curriculum away from a “one size fits all” model. The changes made to the program have garnered many favorable reviews from employers of our graduates and our advisory board. As the way we receive content continues to change so will the process of delivering the content. Utilizing the SAMR framework will provide us with a measuring stick to see if our technology implementation is having the required effect. In the examination of delivery to multiple devices it has validated the changes made to the curriculum, and provided the students with a much stronger skill-set ensuring success in their chosen career.

I would like to acknowledge the work of Dr Ruben Puentedura for providing us with the SAMR framework.


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