Technology Hurdles

Technology hurdles

During this weeks class we experienced some incredibly disruptive technology issues. These issues ranged from slow population of content to the desktop to a complete crash including a loss of all functionality. Although this may sound like a disastrous formula for learning I walked away from the class feeling encouraged rather than disheartened about the experience which lead me to think about why I felt this way. I have attempted to chart our road-map to success in a brief but concise recount of the events below.

Phase 1 – technology failing – leader stays calm.

The first and most important factor was our Professor didn’t panic as the technology started to fail. I believe this was important because the students remained calm and waited for possible solutions. The professor called in tech support to trouble shoot and continued to engage the students (as best he could) with course material.

Phase 2 – recognition of no quick solution – reorganizing of outcomes

As the course continued and it was evident there was no quick resolution to our technology problems the Professor posts our learning goal for the following week requesting feedback from the students. This was a good plan but with limited audio connectivity it was difficult to make progress.

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The class quickly identifies that audio communication won’t work in this scenario so opens a note pod to write names of participants for upcoming assignments. I think this is where i became most excited and engaged because all of the students and Professor collaborated on a solution to address the learning outcomes of the class. There was non formal discussion on how to move ahead with this solution just a number of individuals working together to solve the problem.

Phase 4 – solution for the following week – learning outcomes complete.

The conclusion of the class was not one of frustration but success as we navigated a difficult environment. Everyone leaving the class had a clear directive for the following week and anxiety around the situation was kept to a minimum.


This experience was extremely valuable because it showcased that there are solutions to reach desired outcomes in the face of failing technology as long as everyone is willing to work together. It was a great example of a collaborative learning environment and will provide me with many strategies for success as I implement technology in the classroom in the future.


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